A. Kasmia, M.Sc., M.D.

Baldwin Neurology, LLC, 188 Hospital drive Suite 300, Fairhope, Al 36532.

Phone (251)-990-1910, Fax (251)-990-1911

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Neurology news

Like all other branches of medicine and science neurology is a rapidly changing field and to keep up with all changes appears to be a hard task.  In this page we try to bring to your attention some important developments as we encountered it through different sources. However we do not claim that this information is by any means complete.  The accuracy of sources is the responsibility of their authors and sources.  From time to time we may enter our own commentary or summarize an long  article, and we will bring your attention to it.


In this page we link you the most recent news pages and summarize some articles of interest. Please There are many other articles and news that we may not be aware of and we appreciate if you e-mail us.

Please refer the to the individual articles for references.


A. Kasmia, MD

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